Monday, June 27, 2011

Thomas Carylyle: Know Thy Work

In the very beginning, Carylye emphasizes that "there is a perennial nobleness, and even sacredness in work." (Page 481). He believes that work is necessary for a person to know itself and perfect itself ("an endless significance lies in Work"; a man perfects himself by working." (page 481). 

Caryle suggests you should find your passion and life purpose and pour yourself into it; this is the truest form of being blessed. He writes: "Know what thou canst work at; and work at it, like a Hercules! That will be thy better plan. (Page 481)

Carlyle talks aboout the Potter's wheel and how it using it turns rude lumps of clay into beautiful circular dishes (Page 482). Idleness is not close to godliness; but to sin. He states: "Of an idle unrevolving man the kindest Destiny, like the most assiduous Potter without wheel, can bake and knead nothing other than a botch." (Page 482)
"Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose; he has found it, and will follow it!" (page 482).  This quote is important because he emphasizes again that work is more of a duty in life than just something used to provide oneself or for others.  Work is a purpose in life that allows yourself to mold into something worthy.  Carlyle is saying that "destiny, on the whole, has no other way of cultivating us. (Page 482).  You define who you are not destiny.  You can change destiny through your work. 
There is power and honor in doing what God has commanded us to do: He says: "Labour is Life: fromm the inmost heart of the worker rises his god-given Force, the sacred celestial Life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God." (Page 482).  Work is given to you by God, therefore you should not waste it shape or form or purpose.  

The last line summarizes the whole theme: "Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by Action alone."  Again, you determine your destiny not your destiny controlling you. 


  1. I agree with Carlyle's philosophy on work. Work is something that can keep someone with mental problems occupied and prove to be good therapy. There are so many benefits to it. For one thing, when we work, we earn money and don't have time to spend it. That's why people who win the lottery go broke. They quit their job and then they have nothing to do but spend money. I have no intention of retiring for this reason.

  2. Marie,

    I cannot give you credit for this post because much of it is taken from another, uncredited source: one of my students from last summer:
